wp bp activity create

Create an activity item.


The component for the activity item (groups, activity, etc). If
none is provided, a component will be randomly selected from the
active components.
Activity type (activity_update, group_created, etc). If none is
provided, a type will be randomly chose from those natively
associated with your .
Action text (eg “Joe created a new group Foo”). If none is
provided, one will be generated automatically based on other params.
Activity content text. If none is provided, default text will be
URL of the item, as used in RSS feeds. If none is provided, a URL
will be generated based on passed parameters.
ID of the user associated with the new item. If none is provided,
a user will be randomly selected.
ID of the associated item. If none is provided, one will be
generated automatically, if your activity type requires it.
ID of the secondary associated item. If none is provided, one will
be generated automatically, if your activity type requires it.
GMT timestamp, in Y-m-d h:i:s format.
Default: Current time
Whether to hide in sitewide streams.
Default: 0
Whether the item should be marked as spam.
Default: 0
Whether to silent the activity creation.
Output only the new activity id.

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$ wp bp activity create --is-spam=1
Success: Successfully created new activity item (ID #5464)

$ wp bp activity add --component=groups --user-id=10
Success: Successfully created new activity item (ID #48949)