LearnDash Mobile App – How to create a mobile app for your LearnDash Site

The biggest problem facing online course creators is member retention.

For independent coaches, corporate trainers, and educational institutions alike, course completion rates are all-important indicators of success.

If course completion is low, learners aren’t receiving the benefits of your eLearning content.

If they’re not seeing benefits, they aren’t going to stick with you.

For any learning business, that means lost revenue. Independent coaches need that revenue to survive and to grow; trainers see that lost revenue in thousands of dollars worth of inefficiency; and universities will endure poor course evaluations, lower grades, less satisfaction among students and so on.

BuddyBoss Product Update – April 4th, 2024

Welcome to another product update blog post from BuddyBoss! We’re thrilled to share with you a multitude of exciting updates and enhancements that are set to make your eLearning and community platform experience even better. From enhancing user engagement to optimizing platform performance, every aspect of this update has been meticulously designed with one goal […]

BuddyBoss Product Update - April 2nd, 2024.png

BuddyBoss vs Discord to Launch Your Online Community

Are you looking to build an online community, but don’t know which platform to use? Or, are you currently running your online community on Discord, but looking for a better alternative to help you scale and monetize your community? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!  In this blog post, we’ll be comparing two popular community-building […]

BuddyBoss vs. Discord

Why BuddyBoss Is Better Than Teachable For Online Courses

Teachable and BuddyBoss are both popular course platforms that help you start your brand for your course-based business. Both of these platforms have almost the same purpose but with some different features. It is important to know the differences and features between these two platforms before you choose one. Because course development is a long […]

Audience Engagement Tips for Online Community Management System

Social media was initially created to connect, communicate, and relay information. But with social media growing overpopulated with a sea of content and users, many businesses today opt to maintain a separate online community to improve sales and customer relationships. Having an online community means you need to know how to deal with your customers […]

Tips for Online Community Management System

How to Make a Training Video For an Online Course

Did you know that more than 70% of viewers on YouTube use the platform to solve a problem? Today, almost all businesses use videos to bring traffic to their business and guide their users on how to use their products.  But when it comes to course creation, a lot of planning and hours of development […]

making a training video

Member Engagement Strategies: How to Keep Your Members Hooked on Your Community

Building a thriving online community is no small feat. While attracting members is crucial, keeping them engaged is the real challenge. Without consistent engagement, your community risks becoming a ghost town, leaving both members and your organization feeling disconnected and unfulfilled. Studies show that 71% of communities saw their visibility increase during the pandemic, highlighting […]

How to Keep Your Members Hooked on Your Community

How Social Interactions Can Make Your Course Way More Effective 

Have you ever felt a sense of disconnection among the students in your online course? Lectures might be polished, and content comprehensive, but there’s still a nagging sense of something missing. The magic ingredient? Social interaction.  Studies show that students in collaborative learning environments score 25% higher than students in traditional lecture settings.  Think back […]

How Social Interactions Can Make Your Course Way More Effective